
About Cyprus

Useful Information

Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean sea with high traditional and contemporary engagements, 10,000 years’ ancient history, amazing coastlines with sandy beaches, offering the opportunity to the students to explore the island’s natural beauty, in few kilometres distance. You can easily travel from mountains to the sea in less than half an hour.

There are so many things to do, see, experience, discover and learn that you will be amazed at just how much our small island in the Mediterranean has to offer. In the island you can not only experience the sun, sea and mountains but you have also the chance to be a part of the local community through the events, dances, food, wines, visits to museums, monuments and monasteries.

Everywhere you go on this beautiful island you will truly experience the culture of Cypriots and the island life.

Climate & Weather

Cyprus enjoys an intense Mediterranean climate, with long dry summers from mid–May to mid–October, and mild winters from December to February, which are separated by short autumn and spring seasons. Summer is a season of high temperatures with cloudless skies, but the sea breeze creates a pleasant atmosphere in the coastal areas. Isolated thunder showers are possible mainly over the mountains during early afternoons. Winters are mild with rain and snow on Troodos Mountains (usually starting before Christmas). The island enjoys abundant sunshine, and even in December and January, there is an average of six hours of bright sunshine per day, whilst over the six ‘summer’ months, there is an average of 11.5 hours of bright sunshine per day.

Source: visitcyprus.com

Entertainment & Nightlife

Cyprus has many activities and entertainment options to offer. Each town has a shopping mall (at least one), cinemas and theatres, waterparks, zoos, bowling alleys, sport events etc.

Cyprus also offers a huge range in nightlife. Cafes and bars, pubs, dance clubs, beach clubs, lounge bars, music festivals and parties and many more.

Sun & Sea

Few feelings can compare to that of sinking your toes into warm sand… of the sun kissing your skin, and your senses taking in the fresh, salty breeze and the endless views of glittering blue waters.

This idyllic scene is one that can be enjoyed for the most part of the year on the island of Cyprus, and one that offers a myriad of experiences, from the total relaxation of sunbathing with drink in hand, to the thrill and challenge of trying a new water sport.

Source: visitcyprus.com