

Fresh College of Arts > GCE A’ LEVEL AND GCSE

Edexcel GCE A level


Edexcel GCE A’ Level students are encouraged to explore their own and others’ ideas from a variety of starting points, subsequently developing their own Art and Design practice including the integration of theory, knowledge and understanding through research.

Students will organise, select and communicate ideas, solutions and responses presenting these in a range of visual forms.

The course will enable students to extend their own and others’ ways of seeing the world through increased fluency in visual language, materials and techniques. Art and Design practices are used to develop ideas through sustained investigations and exploration, selecting and using materials, processes and resources.

Students will learn how to collect relevant data, analyse and evaluate art and design works critically and show an understanding of purposes, meanings and contexts, as well as, develop intellectual, imaginative, creative and intuitive powers.

The Edexcel GCE A’ Level is offered in the pathways of Fine Art, Graphic Communication, Photography, Textile Design, and Three-Dimensional Design.

Edexcel GCSE Level


The GCSE in Art and Design provides students with a wide range of creative, exciting and stimulating opportunities to explore their interests in ways that are both personally relevant and developmental in nature.

The course enables students to develop their ability to actively engage in the processes of Art and Design, build creative skills through learning and doing.

Students imaginative and intuitive ways of working and develop knowledge and understanding of media, materials and technologies in historical and contemporary contexts, societies and cultures.

Students will develop their creative and imaginative powers and practical recording skills for communicating and expressing ideas, feelings and meanings in art, craft and design, using the formal elements, including line, tone, colour, shape, pattern, texture, form and structure through experimentation with a wide range of media and techniques.

The Edexcel GCSE Level is offered in the pathways of Fine Art, Graphic Communication, Photography, Textile Design, and Three-Dimensional Design.

GCE Advanced levels or A’ levels were originally introduced to facilitate entry to higher education (Universities and Colleges). Whilst this remains a primary purpose, over time A’ levels have also established a role in recognizing achievements from purely academic to more applied skills and knowledge that are valued.

A-levels and GCSEs remain absolutely crucial, especially in terms of entry to university. They can become a stepping stone to promising academic and business careers.

For Both A ‘Levels and GCSEs

The exams and non-exam assessment will measure how students have achieved the following assessment objectives.

AO1: Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.


AO2: Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes.


AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.


AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realizes intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.

Students will work in 2 Components

In Component 1 (60%) (Portfolio) students develop responses to initial starting points, project briefs or specified tasks and realize intentions informed by research, the development and refinement of ideas and meaningful engagement with selected sources. Responses will include evidence of drawing for different purposes and needs and written annotation.

In Component 2 (40%) (Externally set assignment) students respond to a starting point provided by AQA. This response provides evidence of the student’s ability to work independently within specified time constraints, realize intentions that are personal and meaningful and explicitly address the requirements of all four assessment objectives.

Aims and learning outcomes

Students will be encouraged to:

  • Actively engage in the creative process of art, craft and design in order to develop as effective and independent learners, and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds
  • Develop creative, imaginative and intuitive capabilities when exploring and making images, artefacts and products
  • Become confident in taking risks and learn from experience when exploring and experimenting with ideas, processes, media, materials and techniques
  • Develop critical understanding through investigative, analytical, experimental, practical, technical and expressive skills
  • Develop and refine ideas and proposals, personal outcomes or solutions with increasing independence
  • Acquire and develop technical skills through working with a broad range of media, materials, techniques, processes and technologies with purpose and intent
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of art, craft and design in historical and contemporary contexts, societies and cultures
  • Develop an awareness of the different roles and individual work practices evident in the production of art, craft and design in the creative and cultural industries
  • Develop an awareness of the purposes, intentions and functions of art, craft and design in a variety of contexts and as appropriate to students’ own work
  • Demonstrate safe working practices in art, craft and design.

Equal opportunities

We encourage applications from all sections of the community, regardless of sex, marital status, age, responsibility for dependents, socio-economic status, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation or disability.

Students with disabilities

We work hard to ensure that, as far as possible, students with disabilities are able to study successfully with us. If you have additional needs, we advise that you contact the administration office or course tutor as early as possible, so that you can discuss your needs and visit the College to assess the facilities if necessary.

Mature students

We care about equal opportunity in education, so mature students will be highly considered on equitable terms, as we realize that life might have directed you to other specialized paths. Let’s fix it!

If you do not meet the entry requirements

We welcome applications from everyone and we know that relevant experience is just as valuable as qualifications. Whether experience is from your work, voluntary activities or independent study we still want to hear from you.

So, if you don’t meet all of the entry requirements for the course you would like to study, contact our Admissions team at the admissions email and let them know what other relevant experience you have.

Campus, Studios and Offices

Our premises are designed to provide you with the learning experience and opportunities you expect from a modern Art & Design College.

We know our staff and students demand the very best, and that’s what we want to provide. Our motto “The Art of Higher Education” highlights our mission to develop graduates with a unique style and in order to accomplish that, they need to study in a “colorful” environment.

So, we designed our premises from scratch to respond to the best level of education…because you come first. A College where the staff and premises serve what’s best for you and provide everything you may need to live and learn, as you enjoy one of the best and most fulfilling experiences of your life.

Take a look at our premises, or visit us at any time!