
Graphic Design (Higher Diploma)

Fresh College of Arts > Graphic Design > Graphic Design (Higher Diploma)

  Course Title

  Graphic Design (Higher Diploma)

  Length of Study

  2 years Full-Time / 3-4 years Part-Time

  Award by




  Start Date





  City Centre

  Tuition Fees



Our BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Graphic Design is a specialist programme of study that covers the fundamentals and develops the required practical skills in the Graphic Design field. It also develops a critical awareness of the historical, contextual and social issues relevant to the practice.

Our HND in Graphic Design prepares students to enter the industry, and to be aware of, and fully equipped wit, all the technical skills. The main aim of the Diploma is to develop students’ technical skills and to introduce them to industry regulations and requirements.

BTEC HNDs are internationally recognized qualifications with a proven track record of success. They are a recognized and popular route to university leading to the second or third year of a bachelor degree accordingly.

The successful delivery of the course includes classroom teaching, group or individual tutorials, technical workshops, lectures, seminars and professional visits. During the second year of the course, students will have the opportunity for work placement in relevant industry.

Other pathways are: Fine Art, 3D Design, Animation, Illustration, Fashion and Textiles, Art Photography, Product Design, and Interior Design.


Level 4 HNC

Year 1


Semester 1

The 1st semester of study is mostly investigational, experimental and research based, in order to start defining the perspectives of the fields of specialization. It will help you to better understand your course specifications and values, and you will be introduced technically and conceptually to the course and to industry expectations.



Specialization Roles in the Industry and Design Development – Contextual Studies

(30 credits)

The purpose of this module is to define specialized roles in the industry, expectations, and to develop necessary skills, such as defining personal career goals. Students will build critical skills, and learn about social, historical and cultural theories and practices, as well as how to prepare a personal development plan.



Design, Techniques & Processes Practice (part set assignment)

(30 credits)

The purpose of this module is to develop a general understanding and knowledge of art & design areas, which will help you to distinguish the differences between the fields of specialization, as to create appropriate technique and processes within the art & design fields and personal practice, through historical and contemporary research.  Students will learn techniques on how to generate new ideas and possible solutions and will evaluate the importance of discovering and connecting new media and materials to their working processes.


Semester 2


Packaging based on Graphic Design and Digital Principles

(60 credits)

During the 2ndsemester of your studies the emphasis will be placed on developing practical skills in Graphic and Digital design utilizing the technology in your own creative work and practice. You will learn about, and develop, a range of 2D and 3D skills in typography and packaging design, through digital, cut and print experimentations. You will develop knowledge of typographic and digital principles in the production by exploring typographic technologies and processes, product strategies and packaging prototypes supporting a given brief. You will produce and present a series of digital design suggestions, covering many areas of promoting the product by analyzing and producing work based on Graphic Design principles and regulations. By the end of the year you will have created a full promotional package of a product, including alternative solutions from the starting point to the final presentation.

Level 5 HND

Year 2


Semester 3



Professional Practice in Graphic Design & Industry Familiarization

(60 credits)

The 3rd semester engages you in an extended study of graphic design practice by developing an in-depth project that will allow you to establish your own approach. You will learn the relationship between client needs, target market and design objectives. This module aims to carry out a full project cycle, including iterative development, and multiple stages of presentation and feedback that reflect advanced graphic design practice. At this stage, you will have the opportunity to gain knowledge of the industry regulations and requirements as you will undertake actual work placement for a period time. Work placement will help you to define your own style as a graphic designer and prepare you for the transition from study to employment or freelance work. By the time you finish, you will be able to develop a strategy for your future career, whether in extended education, employment or self-employment. You will learn how to produce career plans, how to prepare a CV, build your interview skills, how to make marketing and self-promotional material, you will learn about legal frameworks, business planning and social and professional networks in a broad range of sectors such as editorial, branding, web, print and screen-based industries.


Semester 4



Brand and Identity Development through Collaborative Work

(60 credits)

During the 4thsemester of your studies the emphasis will be placed on collaborative practice and the special roles within it, with the participation of external partners. You will develop interdisciplinary collaboration and creative engagement through a project that brings together different skills from across the creative industries. The module’s purpose is to develop your skills in marketing and advertising as it’s a challenging field for a graphic designer to realize a product’s identity and recognize the importance of branding. You will evaluate the identity of companies and how this relates to their core values and its impact in a commercial market place. At the end of the semester you will produce a group and an individual product proposal and branding style guidelines for the application of design. You will have the opportunity to explore art direction through the development of a unified visual style in advertising and marketing. You will also explore the role of the art director within the group, as well as the skills, knowledge and techniques required. The module requires collaborative work which will lead to personal work processes and outcomes.