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The first ARTSCLOUD DIGITAL ART FAIR will be hosted in Seoul, Korea from Oct. 01 to Nov. 30 2021
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The first ARTSCLOUD DIGITAL ART FAIR will be hosted in Seoul, Korea from Oct. 01 to Nov. 30 2021
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Paris is one of the most popular European cities, the “City of Light” and the landmark of art and fashion! Paris overflows with culture, art, beauty and history.
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Yay! It’s your first day at the college, the beginning of your academic journey! It is normal to feel anxiety on your first day at the college, however, you can find below some tips to help you prepare yourself on your first day. Make it...
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“Black Light” Art Exhibition
January 26, 2022
ARTSCLOUD Digital Art Fair
November 10, 2021
Freshart is going to Paris!
November 2, 2021